Tag Archives: cookies

Dusty Thingies: Pecan Shortbread

As part of my Christmas baking this year, I made these pecan shortbread. They go by many names–Mexican Mice, Mexican Wedding Cookies, Russian Teacakes, Snow Balls.

I made them with pecans (some ground, some chopped) and a gluten-free flour blend. When they are hot, you carefully coat them with icing sugar. The steam from the cookies helps it stick. The last time I made them, over 15 years ago (!), my niece dubbed them Dusty Thingies, which fits.

This time, I used a different recipe–a version that increases the amount of nuts in the batter. I did like the increase in nuts. However, I also like the richness of my tried-and-true recipe (from Edna Staebler’s Food That Really Schmecks). I guess that means that I will be forced to make these again, after Christmas, to get the perfect butter:nut:flour ratio… Such is life.

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Almond Biscotti

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Apparently, I am on a biscotti tear. I made these biscotti last night, using a gluten-free flour blend. They are packed with almonds and the batter is flavoured just with vanilla.

In this recipe, you roast the almonds before you add them to the batter. The cookies have a good crunch and, like the chocolate ones I made last week, they are not too sweet.

I am rarely content to leave a recipe alone, so I upped the almond content to two cups from one. Just so no one doubted that they were in fact almond biscotti. (This is generally my approach. If an ingredient is in the title of a dish, I am likely to go overboard with it.)

I made these so I would have a holiday treat to give to someone who is gluten-free. I have a feeling I will have no trouble disposing of the rest of them.


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Chocolate Almond Biscotti


I made these vegan biscotti the other day, and they were a big hit.

I made them using a gluten-free flour blend. Instead of using chocolate chips, I just doubled up on the almonds. This meant they were packed with toasted almonds, which was fantastic. I also added some instant coffee powder into the liquid to help add depth to the cocoa flavour.

This is my second attempt at making gluten-free baking that is also vegan. My first attempt was a bit disastrous (that’s a story for another day…), but this time I was much stingier with my ground flax seed.

The finished cookies were a bit delicate, but surprisingly crunchy. I made them for an office function and impressed my colleagues, most of whom are used to eating biscotti made with wheat and eggs. I am now thinking about other biscotti flavours to try.



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What I Did Today


I have mentioned before how I have trouble finding good breakfast options. (This may be partly why I like cake for breakfast…) Lately, I have been scouring the Internet for good breakfast cookie recipes. Ones that are high in fibre and are a bit filling.

I found these protein cookies by Heather at Kula Mama and decided they were exactly the kind of cookie I was looking for. I had a break in my regular routine and all of the ingredients, so I made my version of these cookies.

My version is a bit different—I used cashew butter instead almond butter, quinoa flakes instead of oats, sugar instead of maple syrup, canola oil instead of coconut oil, and so on. I loaded mine with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds and citron peel.

The result was delicious. It made 5 dozen cookies. I’ve frozen lots and have some in the fridge for the next few days. And now I know that tomorrow morning won’t mean me heading out the door on an empty stomach. Yay!

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Another Work in Progress…

Here’s what I’m working on at the moment—cookies made with cashew butter. They still need some work, but for a first attempt, they are pretty good.


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Brown Sugar Cookies


These black-eyed susans are in my mother’s garden. She worries about the weeds, but all I ever notice are the contrasting textures, the curves of the beds and the bursts of brilliant colour, like this one.

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